Lutfianita Podungge, Novianty Djafri, Zulystiawati Zulystiawati


Work fatigue and boredom are problems that often arise in the workplace, especially in government organizations, and can affect employee morale and productivity. This research focuses on leadership and motivation in overcoming work fatigue and boredom at the Tolango Village Office. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, data is collected through interviews, observation and documentation. The research results show that the Head of Tolango Village has succeeded in implementing an inclusive and supportive leadership style, with deeper involvement between staff and leaders, encouraging work discipline, and reducing the impact of fatigue and boredom at work. Motivation provided in the form of awards, recognition, and capacity development through training has been proven to increase work morale. Apart from that, social activities such as mutual cooperation and joint sports help build togetherness and provide refreshment. This research confirms the importance of leadership that prioritizes emotional support and a collaborative work culture


Leadhership, Motivation, Fatigue and Work Boredom, Tolango Village

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