Laras Masiaga, Fitryane Lihawa, Masruroh Masruroh


This study aims to produce Wordwall-based learning media on natural disaster mitigation material. This study uses a development research method with the ADDIE model as an approach in compiling learning media. In this study there are 5 (five) stages, namely the analysis stage, design stage, development stage, implementation stage, and evaluation stage. The results of this study can be concluded that the development using Wordwall has passed the validity test by material experts who got a percentage of 81.8%, the next validator is the product expert validator who got a percentage of 76.3%, the last validator is the learning expert who got a percentage value of 90%, the results of student responses to learning media using Wordwall on natural disaster mitigation material, namely by using the general test, got 85%. So that learning media using Wordwall integrated with Google Classroom can be used in the learning process in the classroom related to natural disaster mitigation material. The conclusion of this study is that learning media is declared suitable for use in the learning process. This study aims to produce Wordwall-based learning media on natural disaster mitigation material. This study uses a development research method with the ADDIE model as an approach in compiling learning media. In this study there are 5 (five) stages, namely the analysis stage, design stage, development stage, implementation stage, and evaluation stage. The results of this study can be concluded that the development using Wordwall has passed the validity test by material experts who got a percentage of 81.8%, the next validator is the product expert validator who got a percentage of 76.3%, the last validator is the learning expert who got a percentage value of 90%, the results of student responses to learning media using Wordwall on natural disaster mitigation material, namely by using the general test, got 85%. So that learning media using Wordwall integrated with Google Classroom can be used in the learning process in the classroom related to natural disaster mitigation material. The conclusion of this study is that learning media is declared suitable for use in the learning process.


Wordwall, Natural Disaster Mitigation, ADDIE


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