Sarson W. Dj. Pomalato, Moh. Fadly a. Dg. Matona, Abd. Djabar Mohidin


This study aimed to obtain the following information. (1). differences in mathematical problem solving ability of students that learned approach that learned Scientific and direct approach (2) the effect of the interaction between learning approaches and learning motivation toward mathematics problem solving abilities of learners (3) differences in mathematical problem solving ability of students that learned with the scientific approach dibelajarkan direct approach to students who have high motivation. (4) differences in mathematical problem solving ability of students, who are teaching in the scientific approach and that learned to use a direct approach to the learners who have low motivation. The research was conducted in SMP 6 Luwuk in October 2014 through to January 2015, with the type of quasi-experimental research design or Quasi-Experiment and Treatment by Level. Sample selection is done using cluster random sampling technique. Selected sample of each dibelajarkan scientific approach and that learned direct approach. Research data collection using: (1) test the ability of solving problem in the form of a description, and (2) learning motivation test questionnaire form. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential analysis. Descriptive analysis is performed to present the raw data through the research results into a table and then visualize the shape of the histogram inferential analysis to test the hypothesis. Test the hypothesis using Analysis of Variance Two Paths. Furthermore, to determine the significance of interactions between variables further research then tested using the Tukey test. This study resulted in four findings: (1) The ability of solving mathematical problems students that learned scientific approach is higher than the mathematical problem solving ability of students that learned the direct approach (2) There is interaction between learning approach to learning motivation of students to problem-solving abilities mathematics learners. (3) The ability of solving mathematical problems students who have high motivation to learn that learned scientific approach is higher than that learned the direct approach. (4) The ability of solving mathematical problems students who have low learning motivation that learned scientific approach is lower than that learned the direct approach


Scientific Approach, Direct Approach and Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Students

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