Ramla Hartini Melo, Alim S. Niode, Irina Popoi


Mangrove forest resources are one of the coastal resources that play a significant role in ecological, social, and economic aspects. In general, Mangrove Forest ecosystems are a source of income for coastal communities, industry, and the State. Development demands encourage the management of Mangrove forests to improve the regional economy and the social conditions of the surrounding communities. Management of resources in coastal areas of Mangrove forests aims to enhance the welfare of the whole community, especially those living in Mangrove Forest areas. The results showed that the total direct benefit value was IDR 7.927.010.000 per year, which consisted of immediate benefits from shrimp IDR 768.860.000, fish IDR 676.442.500, crab IDR 23.720.000, and firewood IDR 370.005.000.


Tilamuta, Boalemo, Direct Benefits, Mangrove Resources.

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