Problems and Obligations in the Division of Children's Inheritance According to Islamic Law

Yulin Kamumu


Islamic law establishes the rules of inheritance in a very organized and just manner. When the right of ownership of property is established for every human being, both men and women in a legal way. Islam also stipulates the right to transfer ownership of a person after death to his heirs and all relatives of his family, without distinguishing between men and women, large or small. In writing this research, the method that the author uses is normative juridical research method with data sources using secondary data. the results of this study are still many people who do not know about Islamic inheritance law, so it is necessary to reflect fair inheritance law, namely by paying attention to the conditions that must be met before the distribution of inheritance in order to achieve happiness and justice. Because the principle of Islamic law is for the benefit of the people or rahmatan lil alamin, namely the grace to reach consensus and not ally in things that are not approved by God.


Inheritance; Children; Islamic law

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