Taufik R. Rahim, Hasim Hasim, Juliana Juliana


Lake Limboto has so far experienced changes in ecological structure due to the burden of nutrient input through fisheries, agriculture, plantation, and household activities. The input of organic material has the potential to be a source of nutrients that has an impact on changing water conditions. This study aims to determine the physical chemical parameters of Lake Limboto waters. The method used in this research is descriptive method, the location of sampling at each sampling point of the observation was carried out by purposive sampling which was divided into 8 stations, the results of the water quality parameters showed the average value of the whole station namely brightness 10-17cm, temperature 26- 31ᴼC, pH 6.3-7.6, DO 5.30-6.30 mg/L, nitrate 10.4-16.1 mg/L, and phosphate 0.23-0.81 mg/L. This condition causes a decrease in the environmental quality of Lake Limboto which is based on the value of chemical and physical parameters of the waters.


Aquatic Quality, Lake Limboto, Parameters of Aquatic Quality

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