Amran Gaga, Syarwani Canon, Amir Halid


This research aims to 1) Analyze the factors of coconut farming business development in Pohuwato and 2) Reconstitute the coconut farming business development strategy in Pohuwato. This research was conducted in Pohuwato in December 2018-February 2019 with 40 farmers as the research sample. The research method used was a survey method. The data analysis used was the SWOT analysis. The findings indicate that the factors of coconut development in Pohuwato were both internal and external. The internal factors were plants as substitutes for tall coconuts, coconuts’ fluctuated price, lack of coconut tree rejuvenation, and traditional coconut processing. Furthermore, the external factors included erratic climates bringing about crop failure, no fixed standard price of coconut, and farmers’ alternative businesses. The best coconut farming business development strategy in Pohuwato existed in Quadrant I. This quadrant rendered the best support for the aggressive strategy or the SO (Strength-Opportunity) strategy which encouraged self-capabilities, such as farmers’ experiences and abilities and opportunities, such as a prospective market of coconuts. This strategy aimed to mitigate several weaknesses in the coconut business, such as coconuts’ fluctuated price, threats, no fixed standard price of coconuts, and erratic weather. As a result, we could see progress in coconut farming business development.

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