Ningsih Aruji Daud, Astin Lukum, Masrid Pikoli


This research is a research and development aiming to produce valid, practice, and effective POE learning model-based learning set for concepts of light to remediate the misconception of 5th grade elementary students. It applied Four D model and was tested in the 5th grade students of SDN 10 Telaga using one group pre-test post-test design. The instruments of data collection were validation sheet, observation sheet, questionnaire of students’ responses, and test of students’ misconception change. The techniques of data analysis were quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. Findings reveal that: 1) the developed learning sets consisting of student’s book, lesson plan, student’s worksheet, and test of student’s misconception change has categorized very valid, 2) the practicality is in very high category, and 3) the effectiveness of learning set observed from a) student’s activities, in general, is in active category, b) the student’s responses toward the learning set and learning process is categorized positive in all aspects of statement obtaining 90,9%, and c) the average ratio of the decrease of students’ misconception is 91,67% in which students have understood the concept. N-Gain obtains 0,97 in very high category. It shows that the POE learning model-based learning set of characteristics of light learning material has fulfilled the requirements of valid, practice, and effective to remediate the elementary students’ misconception.

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