Wahdian Dunggio, Evi Hulukati, Sukarman Kamuli


Wahdian Dunggio, 2020. "Increasing Interest and Student Learning Outcomes in Social Sciences Subjects in a Variety of Occupations Through the Seizure Learning Model in Class IV of Public Elementary School 07 Lemito". Thesis, Social Studies Concentration Program Postgraduate Basic Education, Gorontalo State University. Advisors (1) Prof. Dr. Evi Hulukati M.Pd, Advisor (2) Dr. Sukarman Kamuli, M.Sc.                            

The purpose of this research is to: To learn whether the scramble learning model can increase interest and learning outcomes in social studies class IV students at Lemito State Elementary School 07. This research uses classroom action research. The research phase consists of planning, implementing actions, observing, and reflecting. The object of the research was grade IV students of SDN 07 Lemito, Lemito District, Pohuwato Regency. Data collection techniques are: 1) observation sheets of teacher activities and student activities during the learning process and 2) tests of student learning outcomes. The research hypothesis is that if social science learning is carried out using the Scramble Learning Model, the students' interest and learning outcomes in grade IV students of SDN 07 Lemito, Lemito District, Pohuwato Regency will increase, with an indicator of maximal learning spending of 80% while for indicators of the amount of money sought is a minimum student value 75 increased from 67% to a minimum of 86%.

As a conclusion of this research are: The use of Scramble learning models can increase student learning interest in various subjects Social Studies subjects. This can be proven by an increase in each indicator of interest in learning from cycle I to cycle II. At the time of implementing the action, I only chose 56.5%. Furthermore, the indicator of interest in the first cycle only 53.5% experienced an increase in the second cycle to 83.5%, while the attention indicator in the first cycle only 56.6% increased to 83%. 80% and have met the indicators of success. The use of the struggle for learning models in social studies subjects in addition to increasing interest in learning can also improve student learning outcomes in the cognitive or knowledge domain. This is evidenced by the increase in student learning outcomes by 19%, while in the first cycle that completed learning by 67% or 10 students increased to 86% or 13 students in the second cycle.

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